- অভিবাসীর সংখ্যা নির্বিশেষে সত্যায়িত চাহিদাপত্র পরীক্ষা ও প্রক্রিয়াকরণের নির্দেশনা
- Office Order
- সৌদি আরবে বিভিন্ন কোম্পানিতে কর্মী প্রেরণ প্রসঙ্গে
- Holyday Notice (Holy Christmas)
- জরুরী গণ বিজ্ঞপ্তি
- আন্তজার্তিক অভিবাসী দিবস, ২০২৪ ও জাতীয় প্রবাসী দিবস ২০২৪ উদযাপন সংক্রান্ত
- জাপানিজ ভাষা কোর্স এবং Skill Training সেন্টারের তালিকা প্রেরণ
- আন্তর্জাতিক অভিবাসী দিবস এবং জাতীয় প্রবাসী দিবস-২০২৪ এর প্রতিপাদ্য নির্ধারণ
- Mandatory Income Tax Return Letter (FBCCI)
- Secretary Joining Letter of BAIRA
About Baira
BAIRA is an association of national level with its international reputation of co-operation and welfare of the migrant workforce as well as its approximately 2000 member agencies in collaboration with and support from the Government of Bangladesh. BAIRA believes in the ultimate goal of reaching the stage for a "NO VISA" world, where any member of human race could move to any place in pursuit of his trade or employment. Meanwhile, we are keeping in view the worldwide wave of economic recession arising out the turmoil resulting from the 11th September tragedy in the US. But we are hopeful that the human civilization will emerge in a new world, where peace and prosperity will prevail. A phase of new construction would be the immediate necessity after the transition to world peace and our human resources would be wanted and utilized in that new world order. We wishfully looking forward to those days and meanwhile, keeping in touch with the world community offering them whatever asset we have. BAIRA has started market expansion drive to find suitable job opportunities for the country's trained and technical manpower. The returnee migrants form another reservoir of our qualified and experienced manpower who had the exposure to various modern technique and technologies adopted in the fast advancing countries of the world. Ours is a human resource having the reputation of being docile, obedient, hard working and disciplined while they work abroad. Our valued overseas employers may call on us through the web any time if they intend to utilize the services available through BAIRA and its members.